Sunday, February 23, 2014

First blog, first Post.

Family and friends often ask me what type of work I do... 

In a Nutshell

I was one of the first artist hired for production with Playtime Creations. We put a shop together, hired a few more artists and pioneered the process that creates Playtime's unique play elements for children.

 From sculpting styrofoam, soft foaming, rubber coating, and painting, we  worked every position in that little shop, that was in 2003. Since then Playtime has grown out of their britches... twice. Playtime's has settled in a huge building now with around 70 employees and growing.

Although my first love was painting, it was always difficult to find sculptors, so I pretty much got stuck in that position for a while. For years I worked as a sculptor, eventually just contracting here and there with Playtime while I tried to figure out what I really wanted to accomplish as an artist.

 After a few years as a wildlife artist, sculpting, painting, and illustrating, all of my artistic abilities had come together along with the discovery of 3D modeling. I currently work full-time for Playtime as a designer.  My job is to create themed play areas for children all around the globe. You've probably seen something that I've created or designed without even knowing it... I think that's pretty dang cool! 

In this blog I will post past and present work along with the processes. Some professional, some personal, if you have any questions please just ask.